It's fun to learn!
"it's the cornerstone that Horbury Day Nursery is built upon"
47a Manorfield Drive
01924 275690
"it's the cornerstone that Horbury Day Nursery is built upon"
47a Manorfield Drive
01924 275690
Please contact us if you are looking for childcare
and we will do our best to help provide you with exactly what childcare you require.
If you have any questions please give us a call, we welcome all enquiries.
We are pleased our latest Ofsted report is now available read.
Our ethos is that "it's fun to learn" which is the cornerstone that Horbury Day Nursery is built upon.
The heart of all we do is embraced within the following intents:
To provide and maintain outstanding childcare and education
To employ and retain highly qualified, committed and caring staff
To provide and maintain nutritious and exciting ‘5 a day’ food standards
To ensure that every child reaches their full potential whilst having fun learning
Our curriculum is to help support the development of babies and children within our nursery. It is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS). We use tapestry to share children's development with our parents and carers, this is also a platform where parents and carers can share their child's photos and observations with their child's keyworker.
We also believe in continually supporting all our staff with their development, so we provide every staff member with a Noodle Now training account, where they can assess 110 + courses which supports them in the work place and we also close 2 half days a year for staff training.
During this time we bring in professional people to train our staff team in different skills, our next half day staff training will be a Saturday morning in May 2024, where we will be exploring children's play and all it's benefits to children's learning.
We also encourage our staff to continue their personal development and follow their passion for learning.
All our staff are Pediatric First Aid Trained and once a year, we offer a free first aid training course for all our parents and grandparents.
Our free parents' pediatric first aid course took place on 15th June 24. Due to this courses success we are offering another free first aid training course for parents, carers and grandparents on Sat 5th October 2024.
We thank Lee and the team at One Stop safety training solutions for delivering all our first aid training.
Our staff are highly qualified to standards well above the legal requirements, which means that we have a team of skilled, dedicated and knowledgeable staff who are passionate about providing the highest quality of care and early years teaching.
All our staff are dedicated and hard working and each month we look out for the staff member who has gone above and beyond in their job. We do this by having a 'Star of the month'. We celebrate and congratulate a member of staff for who they are and what they do at nursery. They also receive a thank you gift from Chris and Julia.
Our 'Star of the Month' this month goes to
We are so blessed to have you in our team Emily.
You are an amazing young lady who is passionate about providing high quality education and care to our babies and children. Also, well done on achieving distinction in your exam towards your Level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeship.
Thank you for your hard work, dedication
and invaluable contribution to nursery.
Please read 'Meet the Team' below for further staff information.
To ensure that we offer children the best levels of help and support to meet their care and educational needs, we work with outside agencies such as Children and Young People's Service Early Years Sufficiency Team, WESAIL, Ofsted, Early Years SEND team, Early Help Hub, LADO and Social Services as and when required.
Chris and Julia are the owners of Horbury Day Nursery. Chris looks after the finances and food hygiene training. Julia cares for the staff as she is passionate about staff well being.
Chris holds Level 4 food safety, a teaching award, Level 4 childcare qualification and is a serving Magistrate. Julia holds Level 5 childcare qualification and also helps out as a volunteer at the Rosalie Ryrie Foundation, working with victims, perpetrators and children of domestic abuse.
Chris and Julia also help to feed the needy and homeless and work with charities that care for children around the world, by way of sponsor. They sponsor Children through the Compassion, Watoto and ONE BY ONE Charity. This enables the children they sponsor to have clothing, go to school, and where required, a safe home in a Christian orphanage with ONE BY ONE.
Richard is our Maintenance Manager, he ensures that nursery is always on top of little jobs and the gardens are tidy and safe for play. Richard also helps prepare the children's snacks and meals. Richard has worked with Chris and Julia since 2014.
Laura, Julia's daughter, holds a Degree in design and a Level 3 Childcare qualification. Laura started Sept 24, and is working alongside Chris and Julia to help support the management team, redesigning the website and will also help design any nursery projects.
Jade and Emma share the Manager's Role. Jade holds a Level 3 Qualification in childcare, and is also part of the toddler team, Jade has worked with Chris and Julia since 2007.
Emma, who holds a BTEC Level 3 in Childcare qualification, has been with us since 2014. Emma also works with any staff and children that require extra help.
Megan E is our Deputy Manager, Megan holds her Level 3 qualification in childcare and has worked with Chris and Julia for over 11 years.
Megan is also part of the baby room team.
Our Pre School room leaders are Lauren and Taylor.
Lauren, who holds a Level 3 in Childcare qualification and has been with us since 2018.
Taylor who has Level 3 in Childcare and has worked with Chris and Julia since 2020. Taylor is currently studying for her Level 5 Early Years Lead Educator qualification. Taylor also helps the management team.
Magda, who has a Level 3 in childcare qualification and is our Education Coordinator. Magda also speaks languages additional to English, and likes to teach the children different words from different languages. Magda speaks Polish, Russian, Italian and Spanish. Magda also loves teaching the children Makaton.
Candice holds a Level 2 childcare qualification and joined us February 24. Candice will also be working with the toddlers and is working towards a Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification and also works in our toddler room helping children prepare for Pre School.
Sheryl joined us November 2023 and holds her BA hons degree in childhood studies. Sheryl loves interacting with our children.
In pre school 'it's fun to learn' about different topics from out of space to occupations. Promoting independent learning, caring for the environment, how to care for ourselves, clean our teeth, letters and sounds, getting ready to read, write, taking part in science experiments, building and making dens, roads structures for the cars, outdoor play, baking, inventing perfumes, drawing being artists, going on trips learning about the world we live in, model making out of recycling, visiting the local library, litter picking in the local area, whilst learning about keeping our community clean, being kind to our friends and lots more besides. So it's very exciting in pre school where the children love to laugh, play and learn in a fun environment.
Helen is the toddler room leader who holds a Level 3 qualification in Childcare. Helen has worked with Chris and Julia since 2016.
Toddler team members are;
Jade who holds a Level 3 childcare, has worked with Chris and Julia since 2007. Jade is also our Manager along with Emma.
Amy was keen to start working with us and completed 104 of our online training courses before joining us in April 23.
Amy is Deputy Room Leader and currently on Maternity leave until Spring 2025.
Emily joined us April 23, she holds a Level 2 childcare qualification and has just finished her Level 3 Early Educator course work, now all she has to complete is her final exam, then Emily will be fully qualified. Emily works with the toddler's and the babies. Emily loves interacting and supporting the children's learning.
Sharon has lots of experience working with children and loves interacting and working with the toddlers. Sharon is also studying for her Level 3 Early Educator qualification, she also helps out in the Pre School room.
Candice, also works with the children who are in toddlers but are due to transition to Pre School.
Toddler room is a place where 'it's fun to learn' with lots of singing, nursery rhymes, messy play, soft play, disco playdough, outdoor play and has different activities taking place throughout the day. When children are at the right stage they are encouraged to potty train, which is something that we work closely with parents on.
We have two dedicated baby rooms at Horbury Day Nursery. This gives us the ability to split different aged babies, enabling us to nurture and meet the needs of every individual child, ensuring that we are consistently promoting the highest standard of space and resources for younger children to explore. When the babies are split into two different rooms, the older babies can free flow inside and out, enabling them to play and move freely within their learning environment.
Lucy is the baby room leader and holds a level 3 in childhood studies, and started working at Horbury Day Nursery in 2015.
The baby room team consists of
Laura L is holds a level 3 qualification in childcare and is starting back with us in June 24. Laura will be running the baby room in Lucy's absence.
Megan E, who joined us September 2022 however, Megan has worked with Chris and Julia for over 11 years. Megan has a Level 3 in childcare qualification and is our Deputy Manager.
Katie, who is completing a Level 3 Early Educator Apprenticeship qualification, and has been with us since 2022. Katie also helps out in the toddler room.
Kelly Anne who holds a Level 3 childcare qualification, and has been with us since 2008.
Aimee, who is completing her Level 3 Early Educator qualification, joined in March 24, Aimee is excited to complete her qualification.
Emily joined us April 23, holds a Level 2 childcare qualification and has nearly finished her Level 3 Early Educator qualification. Emily works with the baby room and toddler room team.
Chelsea joined us April 24 and holds a level 3 qualification in childcare. Chelsea will be working with baby room team and also helps out in other rooms if required.
We have a small group of school aged children who attend in the school holidays. They love to play outside, as much as possible, and love to go on trips in the school holidays. It's fun to learn in our Community.
Spaces are limited due to how busy the nursery is.
Our kitchen has earned us a five star food hygiene rating for nineth years in a row. Chris, who has a level 4 award in Managing Food Safety in Catering, oversees the general running and management of the kitchen. We make nutritious and exciting ‘5 a day’ meals for all the children. We cater for vegetarians, vegans, all allergies and food intolerances, and, whilst we make ever effort to ensure that food is free from relevant allergens and cross contact, we are not able to guarantee this.
Annmarie, who joined Feb 24. Annmarie loves cooking and is excited to be cooking our children tasty healthy meals. Annmarie also holds a childcare qualification and is starting an Early Years Educator apprenticeship in Sept 24. Annmarie loves to help cover staff lunches by supervising some children over the lunch period
Sharon joined us Sept 22. Sharon holds a Level 3 Food and Hygiene qualification and enjoys cooking for the children, in Annmarie's absence. Richard holds a Level 2 Food and Hygiene qualification and enjoys helping prep the children's snacks and keeping the kitchen clean.
Julia holds a level 2 Food and Hygiene qualification and enjoys cooking for the children at times, when required.
Files coming soon.
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6.00pm
*Early bird available from 7.00am * Must be booked in advance.
*Early Bird- 7.00am until 8am £7.00 or 7.30am until 8am £3.50
8am until 6pm - Full Day- £56.50
8am until 1pm - Half Day- £38.00
1pm until 6pm - Half Day- £38.00
Hourly rate for extra hours £7.70
Funded hours are available, however additional costs apply for Meals & Snacks apply. Healthy packed Meals can be brought to nursery.
5-6yrs Holiday Club, Full Day £50, Half Day £32.